Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Baby Steps

Looking at how many other mental health blogs are out there I felt totally overwhelmed  and thought what is the point? Which is typical of how I feel when the anxiety kicks in and everything feels too much, to the point of not wanting to even try. I manage to convince myself that I will fail before I have even started.  B I am trying to work on this, by not trying I won’t fail but I also won’t get anywhere either.

As I am new to this, I thought this would be a good place to start, talking about baby steps. I suffer with anxiety and depression. The anxiety has been around since I was a child. It feels so all consuming and  debilitating at times that it can be a struggle to get through the day and complete normal tasks.  I am beyond exhausted from the constant chaos in my mind that I feel like I have run a marathon.

So I am trying to make little changes and keep up with them. I have started to add a 10 minute exercise routine in the evening, as evenings can be one of the worst times for me, overthinking everything that has happened that day or what I have to complete tomorrow.  It gives me something to focus on. I am trying to be more organized too. For example, getting everything ready that I need  for the next morning does make things easier.  I am trying to find at least one good thing that happened in the day and make a note of it, even if the only thing was I made a nice cup of coffee earlier!  Then I can look back at the good points from the week and see what I have achieved.

 The little things do add up, even when you feel that they don’t, after all
 “The little things mean everything”  -Matthew Ryan

Friday, 10 February 2017


Hello, and welcome to my Blog!

I will be writing, a monthly blog about mental health issues. I am currently studying Counselling and have also experienced anxiety and depression on and off for many years myself. This blog will document my journey to try and improve my own mental health as well as sharing tips that work for me.

I hope you enjoy reading and will join me for the ride.